Open Board Position

Members of Women on Board are qualified to take up board positions. We facilitate searches for companies and organisations looking for a new board member.
If you have a vacancy, we ask you to fill in the document Board Mandate Vacancy. You can make a choice for one of the following options:

  1. Women on Board launches via email a call for candidates to all the members of the pool.
  2. Many Executive Search Offices have permanent access to our database. We are at the disposal of any Office which is not yet known to us, to grant access.

This service is without cost. A success fee of 1000€ (excl. VAT) will be invoiced after the successful recruitment of one of our members. (This fee does not apply to non-profit organisations).

Access to the member’s database with extensive cv’s of the members will/can be given (for 2 months) to select your own candidates. Before accessing the database, a Pool’s Access Charter needs to be submitted back to us with your signature. This charter can be found below.

Download the Board Mandate Vacancy template

Pool charter document for Board mandate requests

to be returned signed

2023 Pool's Access Charter

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