Diamond Partners
The Diamond partnership Package proposed by Women on Board to Diamond partners.
In consideration of their financial and promotional support as provided under 2) below, Women on Board offers Diamond partners a package including the following elements:
- The logo and name of the Diamond partner will be posted on the website, in the Diamond Partner Section.
- Women on Board will be available to participate in the Diamond partner’s internal mentorship program and/or internal network to support female talents (e.g. WoB members mentoring the partner’s high-potential women).
- The Company will be entitled to invite ten high potential women, members of their organisation, to the events/trainings organised by Women on Board
- The Diamond partner will be entitled to hold one event bi-annually in conjunction with Women on Board
- The image, name and logo of the Diamond partner will be closely associated with the event;
- The partner will benefit from Women on Board’s database and network for the successful organisation of this event;
- The event will take place on the partner’s premises or at another venue (to be agreed), at the partner’s cost (minimum participation: 150);
- External visibility will be promoted e.g. links to chairmen & CEO’s, specialist press organisations, etc.
- All Women on Board members will be invited, as well as ‘high potential’ guests designated by other partners (5 guests per Gold partner and 2 guests per Silver partner);
- The Diamond partner is entitled to invite his own guests and will be granted VIP seating;
- Diamond partner information packs will be handed out to participants;
- The list of participants and contacts will be communicated to the Diamond partner before the event. Processing will be limited to the purpose of the event and in respect of GDPR.
- All event details will be mutually agreed.
- The name and logo of the Diamond partner will be advertised at each Women on Board event, on presentation slides and other materials.
Women on Board will keep its Corporate partners informed of new opportunities, providing them with ongoing visibility in association with Women on Board.
The Diamond partner financial commitment to Women on Board:
- An annual payment of EUR 7,500, excl. VAT, to be paid on becoming a Diamond partner and at each anniversary date, upon receipt of the invoice, to the WoB bank account IBAN BE 91 3630 6421 7676.
- The cost of the Women on Board-Diamond Partner Event (minimum capacity: 150).
The Diamond partner’s non-financial commitment to Women on Board:
- Collaboration: Women on Board can only be successful with the full collaboration of its Corporate Partners and therefore strongly encourages them to communicate any idea or action in relation to its mission that may boost the Association and the achievement of its goals.
- Values: corporate partners are considered to be Women on Board ambassadors. They adhere to and respect the Association’s values (Diversity, Ethics and Integrity, Empathy, Sharing and Make it Happen). These values are posted on the Women on Board website.
The Diamond Partnership Agreement is entered into for an initial two-year period.
Gold Partners
The Gold Partnership Package proposed by Women on Board to Partners.
In consideration of their financial and promotional support as provided under 2) below, Women on Board offers Gold Partners a package including the following elements:
- The name and logo of the Gold Partner will be posted on the website in the Gold Partner Section;
- The Gold Partner will be entitled to organise a bi-annual internal event for the benefit of its internal ‘customers’ (high-potential female employees, diversity management, …), with the participation of Women on Board members;
- The Gold Partner will be entitled to invite 5 ‘high-potential’ women, members of their organisation, to the events/training courses organised by Women on Board (ca. eight per year);
- The name and logo of the Gold Partner will be advertised at each event, on presentation slides and other materials;
- The Gold Partner will be given priority when applying to become a Diamond Partner.
- Women on Board will keep its Corporate Partners informed of new opportunities, providing them with ongoing visibility in association with Women on Board.
The Gold partners’s financial commitment to Women on Board:
- An annual payment of EUR 3.500, excl. VAT, to be paid on becoming a Gold Partner and at each anniversary date, upon receipt of the invoice, to the WoB bank account IBAN BE 91 3630 6421 7676.
The Gold Partner’s non-financial commitment to Women on Board
- Collaboration: Women on Board can only be successful with the full collaboration of its Corporate Partners and therefore strongly encourages them to communicate any idea or action in relation to its mission that may boost the Association and the achievement of its goals.
- Values: Corporate Partners are considered to be Women on Board ambassadors. They adhere to and respect the Association’s values (Diversity, Ethics and Integrity, Empathy, Sharing and Make it Happen). These values are posted on the Women on Board website.
The Gold Partnership Agreement is entered into for an initial two-year period.
Silver Partners
The Silver Sponsorship Package proposed by Women on Board to Sponsors.
- In consideration of their financial and promotional support as provided under 2) below, Women on Board offers Silver Sponsors a package including the following elements:
- The name and logo of the Silver Sponsor will be posted on the website, in the Silver Sponsors Section;
- The Silver Sponsor will be entitled to invite 2 ‘high-potential’ women, members of their organisation, to the events/training courses organised by Women on Board (ca. eight per year).
- Women on Board will keep its Sponsors informed of new opportunities, providing them with ongoing visibility in association with Women on Board.
The Silver Sponsor’s financial commitment to Women on Board:
- An annual payment of EUR 1.000, excl. VAT, to be paid on becoming a Silver Sponsor and at each anniversary date, upon receipt of the invoice, to the WoB bank account IBAN BE 91 3630 6421 7676.
The Silver Sponsor’s non-financial commitment to Women on Board
- Collaboration: Women on Board can only be successful with the full collaboration of its Sponsors and therefore strongly encourages them to communicate any idea or action in relation to its mission that may boost the Association and the achievement of its goals.
- Values: Sponsors are considered to be Women on Board ambassadors. They adhere to and respect the Association’s values (Diversity, Ethics and Integrity, Empathy, Sharing and Make it Happen). These values are posted on the Women on Board website.
The Silver Sponsorship Agreement is entered into for an initial two-year period
Mentoring Partner
Guberna mentoring programme at board level
An initiative in 2011 of WOMEN ON BOARD and GUBERNA.
Coordinated by GUBERNA in partnership with WOMEN ON BOARD and since 2013 also in partnership with the Family Business Network in Belgium (FBNet Belgium), Federation of Enterprises of Belgium (FEB/VBO) and Mercuri Urval.
Knowledge Partners
Please contact us for more information