april, 2021
23apr11:0011:15Women on track 3rd SessionSelect members only
Event Details
(Select members only) We invite you to reach out to a male colleague (higher in the organisation) to read the book and have a discussion with him. If possible, you can
Event Details
(Select members only)
We invite you to reach out to a male colleague (higher in the organisation) to read the book and have a discussion with him. If possible, you can have the discussion during a walk, we all know now that it’s a relaxing and creative way to exchange ideas.
Ask your colleague some questions like what are the three most insightful advices, how can they translate them into concrete behaviours or policies, etc…
We also encourage you to continue the connection with your duo-partner, don’t hesitate to contact each other, it will certainly be enriching to exchange or discuss ideas or feedback you received, to translate the reading of the book into concrete actions for yourself. This is what we hope the reading of the book will lead to.
(Friday) 11:00 - 11:15
Google Meet
PWC Brussels Culliganlaan 5, 1831 Machelen