june, 2019
06jun08:0021:00SAP FestivalEvent organised by our partner

Event Details
The SAP Festival is all about experiences. Which business innovations lead you to the Intelligent Enterprise? Which technologies and platforms enable you to innovate? Listen how innovation can take you to Mars, make
Event Details
The SAP Festival is all about experiences. Which business innovations lead you to the Intelligent Enterprise? Which technologies and platforms enable you to innovate?
Listen how innovation can take you to Mars, make you world champion, save lives, and turn your company into a fabulous, future-proof, Intelligent Enterprise.
Round tables & Speaker Corners
Round Tables
At three times of the day, you will be able to attend round tables that tackle the latest trends specific to each area. Pick up to three of them and discuss your favourite topic with 15 peers who are as passionate as you are about innovation. Register now, seats are limited!
Speaker Corners
In each area of the Festival you will find speaker corners: one-to-many presentations given by experts on the trendiest innovations. Each speaker corner can welcome up to 80 attendees. Registration will work on a first-come, first-served basis, so don’t wait and register now!
(Thursday) 08:00 - 21:00
Tour & Taxi
Avenue du Port 86C
SAP Brussels Avenue des Olympiades 2, 1140 Evere