“Later zag ikzelf de voordelen van een meer formeel mentorschap. Ik wist uit mijn eigen levenservaring dat als iemand serieus belangstelling had in jouw opleiding en ontwikkeling, zelfs al was het maar tien minuten op een dag, dat dat er dan toe deed. Met dit in het achterhoofd begon ik in het Witte Huis een leiderschaps- en mentorschapsprogramma. ”

Michelle Obama in “Becoming”

Why a new mentoring program in 2019?

Following the success of the previous mentoring programs ‘Women Intergenerational Digital Dialogue’ and ‘Women on Track Mentoring program’, Women on Board relaunches a new mentoring program with potential and experienced board members.
This program will bring together the strong elements of the previous programs. It is part of succession management to support the development of the next generation of board members, and it offers a continuous learning opportunity for experienced board members.
The program will be built on the pairs of female mentees and mentors who will work together to create a drive to learn from each other and during the workshops. The program will offer a bilateral learning opportunity for mentees and mentors: mentees to develop leadership and learn from role models, mentors to enhance their mentoring skills and refresh knowledge as a board member.



Women on Track Program (PDF)

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