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Dear members and partners,


Before our summer break, we are happy to share with you the latest news on Women on Board


To end the working year we celebrated a great General Assembly. It was hosted at Belfius Insurance and supported by Dilitrust, both corporate partners of Women on Board.


It was a pleasure to meet again many members and partners of our organization, the participants were super happy and many of them testified this personally and on Linkedin

Herewith you can find the link to our website page and some pictures.


These were the highlights:

  1. This year, we shared 74 new nominations by 57 members as a Board Member, Chairperson, on a Board Committee or Advisory Committee. You can read their names and appointments here. Warm congratulations and good luck to all of them! Let’s continue to develop new board journeys and make boards stronger!
  2. The GA approved the renewal of the mandate of the board members Monice De Jonghe, Ingrid Gonnissen en Dirk Oosterlinck. We said thank you to the board members Dina De Haeck, Dirk Luyten and Francoise Roels. And we welcomed as new board members Anette Böhm, Bruno Chevolet and France Delobbe.
  3. We had an interesting keynote speech by Federal Secretary of State for Budget and Consumer Protection Alexia Bertrand, engaged and touching.


For now we will take a summer break and hope that you will all celebrate a beautiful summer.


With warm regards see you in September,


Gaëlle Helsmoortel & Trees Paelinck

The Numbers

328 ‘Talent Pool’ members

We welcome into the talent pool new members:
Constance D’Aspremont, Marie-Christine Moreels, Lien Thijs

55 Supportive members & 23 Women on Track



We post many updates and news about gender diversity on our LinkedIn page. Please feel free to share and comment. If you have been mentioned in the news with a touch of diversity in the article, let us know…. we will promote this on our website and linkedIn.

Past Events


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Your mandate news

All the board mandates taken over the last 12 months can be found via the link button below..

They were presented at our General Assembly on 4/7/2023.


If you have a new mandate, let Ilja know…. we gladly share this on our website and newsletter.

List of 2023 Board Mandates

List of 2023 Board Mandates

Our Corporate Partners


Update your profile in our database. Click here



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