On April 21st we were happy to have our first physical meet-up and were welcomed by the Capgemini team members Deborah D’Hauwer and Robert van der Eijk in their offices in Diegem.
More than 30 people enjoyed the session given by Karin Laverge author “word CEO van je brein” & member of Women on Board. With a few exercise examples, she taught us how to take control of our breathing and distance ourselves of our daily thoughts.
This was followed by a warm interview between Karin and Heidi Rakels, ex-Olympic judo bronze winner. Heidi has been doing meditation for several years. It took a lot of focus but after a 10-day course she now meditates 2h a day. Her life is now more under control, she seems to be able to use her time more efficiently and is less tired.
Some pictures from this event.